Maths Modular Classes
Students gain greater confidence in answering challenging questions logically and efficiently, with heuristics techniques for Maths.
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Science Workshops
From intensive revision to hands-on workshops, students will master Science concepts and the TCR Answering Technique.
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Workshops for Parents
For parents who want to understand heuristics and help their child with schoolwork.
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Mastering Heuristics Series
Learn useful problem-solving heuristics techniques with our comprehensive guidebooks.
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Think Heuristics™ is a specialist in training Primary school students to master heuristics – solution techniques identified and tested by the Singapore Ministry of Education at PSLE.

The brand promise of Think Heuristics™ is in the Total Learning Experience. A complete ecosystem of learning tools – physical classes, online lessons, webinars, consultation clinics and guidebooks – provides all-round support, and caters to different learning styles.

Our vision is to be the leading heuristics content provider, a positive influencer in the education industry, and a Singapore icon in the research of heuristics teaching methodologies.

What is Heuristics?


Mr Gene Gan explains that Heuristics is a framework that guides students to solve questions.

Why Think Heuristics™?

For Students:

Attend Modular Classes

for constant exposure, to master maths and science skills and confidence.

Attend Workshops

for help in specific techniques or topics; to catch up; or for year-end boost before starting next Primary level.

Access Learning Tools

include lesson replays for revision, zoom consultation and WhatsApp chat support.

For Parents:

Workshop & Webinars

for introduction to heuristics and its problem-solving efficacy; and to be equipped to further support their children in schoolwork.

Mastering Heuristics Series of Guidebooks

for those who desire a bigger role in their children’s education. With easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, our books are the ultimate practical guide for parents.


Choose guidebooks that offer step-by-step instructions on how to arrive at the answers, not just the answers.

What Parents & Students Say

What Media Say